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Congratulations to Josue Gonzalez Velez for  being our November Apple Award Winner!

Congratulations to Josue Gonzalez Velez for being our November Apple Award Winner!

We couldn’t be more thrilled to congratulate Josue Gonzalez Velez, Languages Arts Teacher at Red Canyon High School, for winning EFEC's November Apple Award!

His commitment, passion, and enthusiasm shine brightly in the classroom as he inspires students! Let’s all give Josue a big round of applause for this well-deserved honor!

“I am still speechless and processing! I am honored to receive this Apple Award! EVERYTHING I do, I do it in GOOD HEART & NATURE for the best of this future! As a parent of 2 kiddos who struggle to “fit in the norms,”… I understand the struggles and challenges this future generation has to offer! Regardless, I AM HERE FOR ALL OF THEM! Thank you so much! ” - Josue

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