Mindful Art for Kids Teacher Training

Congratulations to Max DeVito, teacher at Battle Mountain High School, for receiving an EFEC Classroom Grant for a Mindful Art For Kids Teacher Training Certificate! We appreciate what you are doing for student’s mental health!
“Thank you for the opportunity to further my training and knowledge in mindfulness activities for students through the Mindful Art For Kids Teacher Training Certificate! It is very important to me to provide opportunities of mindfulness to improve our students' mental health. After doing a few personally researched activities in class with kids, especially after stressful days or events, I was determined to learn more techniques to create calm, reflective, more emotionally stable students.
I love that my art content area allows me to integrate this fluidly into every part of my classes, especially as warm-ups. I am excited to share different exercises with other teachers in our building if they are interested.
I have a passion for integrating the arts and mindfulness into all subject areas. I have enjoyed being a teacher leader and going into a variety of classrooms to see what content is taught to our students, and plan on sharing these mindfulness activities with teachers for classroom management, improving mindset before tests, or just for the overall health of our students. This is the type of certificate that will only become more and more valuable as time goes on. Thank you for the opportunity to broaden my professional development with a unique training!” - Max