Pavan Krueger
Pavan Krueger is the owner of Krueger Architecture in the Eagle/Vail Valley. After a free-range hippy upbringing in small town LA, she headed East and earned her undergraduate degree in Japan Studies and Journalism at Macalester College in Minnesota. Yearning to get back to the West, she completed her Master of Architecture at the University of New Mexico. She moved to the Vail Valley to spend a summer with her future husband who was raised in Vail and got “stuck”, as so many do. She raised her two sons in the Vail Valley, and enjoyed engaging at Homestake Peak School and Battle Mountain High School, before launching the boys to college. She is now rudderless and devoid of joy and day drinks too much. She loves biking, trail running, skate-skiing and cooking. Pavan is a co-founder of Project Funway, which has grown into EFEC’s largest fundraiser and fun raiser of the year. Pavan is proud of the crucial role EFEC has served in supporting Eagle County Schools.